
Wellbeing & Resilience @ Work

In these 2-minutes-videos you learn some valuable quick tips to enhance your wellbeing & resilience.

Start your day with a positive morning ritual

Did you know that the way you start your day has a significant impact on the rest of your day? In this video you learn why a positive morning routine is the perfect way to start your day. I also share my favourite morning ritual.

Uplift Your Body Posture

Did you know that your body posture influences your wellbeing, resilience and performance? In this video you learn a simple and effective tip to keep a balanced energy level during the day.

Create Time Confettis

What is a time confetti? In this video you learn how you can use them to recharge yourself during the day. Don’t miss the pro-tip at the end of the video!

Mehr über meine Arbeit


Search Inside Yourself

Searching Inward. Leading Outward.
Leadership Programm zur Stärkung der emotionalen Intelligenz - entwickelt und getestet bei Google.
3. - 4. Juli 2023 in Berlin 


Meditation für zwischendurch

Du wünscht dir mehr Fokus, Präsenz und Positivität? Dann probier doch eine der drei kurzen Meditationen. Sie lassen sich leicht in den (Arbeits-)Alltag integrieren.


Passt Achtsamkeit in unser Business?

Mindfulness als Schlüsselkompetenz oder Buzzword? Digitale Denkpause in Kooperation mit der Management School St. Gallen & nextpractice